Saturday, May 30, 2015


Hey everyone so if you were wondering about my schedule then here it is! Sometimes I may get off schedule a bit but I will try to get back on track on the days that say catch up so I'm going to stop rambling on and show you the schedule!

Original, my version, or cool challenge
Catch up day


CC/Mod day, original or cool one I found
Catch up


Scarlet's Story


Catch up


Bachelor Challenge S1


CC/Mod Review
Catch up


Catch up

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Scarlet's Story Chapter 3: One Date is All it Took

1 2 3
 Scarlet wakes up and takes care of herself then goes straight to playing the guitar for work. Once she does all that she heads off.
Scarlet gets come feeling uncomfortable. She did really well and got a promotion. Go Scarlet!
 The next day she has off and heads to the gym hoping Don would be there. Sad part is he had a day off too.
 Scarlet works out so much she starts to smell. She goes and hops into the shower.
After her shower she forgets to put clothes on! Only Scarlet. (not really important I just found it funny)
 Scarlet heads home and invites Don over. You can see she is trying really hard to get together with him and it's working!
 Scarlet asks him out on a date at her house and they are really hitting it off!
 They instantly hit it off and Scarlet makes a move and kisses him and they become boyfriend and girlfriend!
 They celebrate by WooHooing and then Don moves in.
 Scarlet and Don start acting like they're married by snuggling and moving in with each other. Scarlets probably wondering what Don's thinking.
 Scarlet shares big news. She's pregnant! That's when Don knew it was time. He proposed. Wow Scarlet you really got him to fall for you fast, how'd you do it? But the real question is how will Scarlet and Don be together when he is non committable
At the end of the day they lay down and fall asleep. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Hey Before You Read On....


Hey person wanting to read this!

So I'm here to tell you something! So since I'm not that far into Scarlet's Story I'm mixing it up a bit. I am using her for one of my bigger more complex challenge testing so you can try to guess the rules as you go along. But in the process of transferring from free play to challenge I will be breaking two (minor) rules soooo..... Hope you enjoy!

Scarlet Chapter 2: Off to Work!

If you are new start here on chapter 1
1 2 3

 Scarlet wakes up feeling uncomfortable. She heads off to the kitchen to make some food.
Scarlet starts cooking up some grilled cheese and it looks yummy. Scarlet looks like she could be a really good cook.
(Sorry about the next three pictures they got messed up) Scarlet tries out her new guitar. She seems to like it even though she isn't that good at it....yet.
Scarlet heads off to work looking forward to a fun, exciting day. She knows she will love everything about it!
After getting home she gets ready to hit the gym for a late night workout session, after all she is an active sim.
She is having trouble at the gym. You can't blame her though she did have a really long day at work. But look at her face isn't it beautiful.
 At the gym Scarlet, Geoffrey, and Don hit it off, but as you can see Scarlet only cares about one of them. Don. Scarlet is ok with being friends with Geoffrey, but with Don she wants to be more than friends.
After a late night at the gym and a long, tiring day at work Scarlet heads in for the night.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Custom Traits

I have been making traits recently 
so I decided to share them with you
guys and gals! Just click on the
 words and it will take you to the
 place to download them!More will
 be posted soon so keep watching here.

Scarlet Chapter 1: The Quest for Money

1 2 3

Say hello to Scarlet Snapper. She is a music lover, sweet(link to custom trait just click here), and active. Her aspiration is musical genius. Scarlet is ready to jump into the world!
I quickly got a house from the gallery and put it on her lot. As you can see the money is pretty tight so Scarlet needs to get a job. Since she is a music lover she will be an entertainer.
Scarlet needed to buy a guitar for her job, but she's broke so she needed to find another way to get money....
 Scarlet tries to fish but they were to craft for her. She fishes for a long time before giving up.
After she gave up she found a new way to make money. Digging for treasure...
Scarlet got so upset that the fish out smarted her so she went and found another spot to go fishing and caught one, and then after that three more! Good job Scarlet!

When Scarlet was digging she found Crytunium. She called the Geo Council to find more about it! They said it was really uncommon and was worth a lot of money!

Scarlet was feeling sad because she was becoming lonely. She went into her room and cried under the covers. Poor Scarlet. 
She called the sadness hotline and she felt instantly better. It also might have been that she got the money to buy the guitar.
In the end she finally bought the guitar.
Scarlet went to bed with dreams of unicorns to send her to her away for her big day tomorrow.