Monday, October 27, 2014


Orphanage /Nanny Challenge
Story: You were hired as a chid caregiver, and ever since then your life has been miserable, stuck with the kids and waking up in the middle of the night to the new ones sobbing. You are now an with only a year left in the wretched place until you can retire. You now must make the best of your days you possibly can.

Setup: Have everything set to normal. Once you enter CAS you must make an ADULT nanny, three teenagers, and four kids to max out the amount of people you can have in your household. The nanny must have the HATES-CHILDREN trait and the aspiration of FORTUNE and the subcategory of FABULOUSLY WEALTHY.

Once you enter the game choose any lot and make your orphanage. It must consist of enough rooms to suit all your kids in it, a kitchen, a dining room, and a huge bedroom for the caretaker. You can have one lowest quality couch and one lowest quality TV.

  • Aging is on
  • No mods
  • Normal lifespan
  • Nanny must hate children and want to be rich
  • You can only play as the nanny
  • You can have to make money any other way then a job

  • All the kids hate you
  • You are an elder
  • You finish the Fabulously Wealthy aspiration

Killer Nanny: You are tired of all the restless nights and snotty kids, you know what you need to do.

GOAL: Kill all the kids

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Sims 4 Challenge- ALIEN CHALLENGE

 Alien Challenge
Story: You are one of the last few of your race, and your leader sent you to find a new planet and take over. You also need to bring back samples to your old planet, but the catch is your rocket ship crashed and is completely destroyed and there is no hope to fix it. So you need to be able to get a new rocket.

Setup: In CAS create your alien, they can be any look, clothes, gender, but must be YOUNG ADULT!!! Lifespan must be normal, and aging must be on. 

Your goal is to kill 10 people by gaining their trust and moving them in. You also must reach level 10 of the astronaut career and max out the rocket building skill. You also must get the top level rocket ship and build it, then travel to outer space.

  • Aging must be on
  • Lifespan set to normal
  • Any friends you make you must move them in and kill them, no survivors can be left!
  • No mods!
  • You must start as a young adult
You are finished when...
  • You have killed 10 sims
  • You are level 10 in the astronaut career
  • You are level 10 in the rocket building skill
  • Build your top level rocket and ride it to space
Gone Good:
Betray your alien race and live as a Sim in their world as one of them.

GOAL: Befriend 20 other sims, and start a family.

Lover's Grace:
You have fallen deeply in love with one of your victims. Your brain tells you no, but your heart tells you yes. Do as your heart says and say YES!

GOAL: Marry one of your victims and successfully have one generation.