Homeless to Wealth Challenge Rules
Story: You, your husband/wife, and your daughter/son have recently been evicted from your home. You are only aloud to bring two pairs of clothes, your sleepwear and your everyday wear, and one possession per family member. Your old home was once the beautiful Rio Verde, now you must earn enough money to get it back.
Sounds easy right? Wrong!
You can't get a job, no one will hire you. EDIT: Your kid CAN get a part time job. So you need to find other ways to earn it, you could try to make money by earning tips, or gardening and selling your things. There are many ways to, but you need to figure them out.
SETTING UP: Lifespan is normal. In CAS you need to make 2 young adults, make them married, and one child. You can have them have any traits, but one of the adults needs to have the aspiration of NATURE with the THE ANGLER ACE sub-category, and the other adult needs to have the NATURE with the FREELANCE BOTANIST sub-category.
When you finish up in CAS you now need to pick any open EMPTY LOT. You should still have money left over, so now you need to fill up the lot with trees, shrubs, and any other plant items until you have 0 dollars.
- Lifespan must be on NORMAL
- Aging must be ON
- You may NOT travel to any other lot, UNLESS it is in your little area
- You can carry things that you normally would be able to in real life (EX. Easily you can carry, statues you can't)
- You CAN NOT move in with anybody, and no one can move in with you
- You can use your phone, but ONLY to move
- You CAN use a grill, but only if it is already on the lot, no buying one
The challenge is over when you have...
- Have finished both of the aspirations for the adults
- You have maxed out the fishing and gardening skills
- Your sims have moved back into their mansion